Meet those who take care of the Hive

André Bacaltchuk
Business administrator with an MBA in Strategic Management. He worked for 10 years in the area of People Management in multinational industries. After extensive study of the real estate market and benchmarking in international markets such as Israel and the United States, he founded Colmeia Coliving with the aim of giving new meaning to urban housing, making idle residential properties useful and connecting people interested in living collectively.

Lazaro Tribst Junior
Architect with specialization in aesthetics from the Kunst Academie in Dusseldorf and an MBA in Sustainability Management from FGV. Working in architecture for over thirty years, he develops residential and corporate architectural projects, covering the areas of lighting, landscaping and interior design. He founded Colmeia Coliving with the aim of redefining and updating habitable spaces in urban properties, offering high quality shared housing.

Marina De Martino
Educator, graduated in Literature and Pedagogy with a focus on Democratic Education, specialist in Jungian Art Therapy from UNIP and currently studying a specialization in Social Pedagogy at USP. Co-creator and administrator of Comunidade Dedo Verde, a collaborative home/company.
Facilitator of courses, lectures, experiences and practice groups on Non-Violent Communication, Restorative Justice, Cooperative Games and Democratic Education in various institutions.