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  • How many residents are there in each house?
    Saúde – 12 Vila Mariana - 17 Paulista – 15 Higienópolis – 15 Consolação – 15 Perdizes – 13 Pinheiros – 10 Are the houses close to the subway? Yes, all of our homes are approximately 10 minutes away from the subway. Home Saúde – subway Saúde (blue line) Home Vila Mariana – subway Vila Mariana e Chácara Klabin (blue and green line) HomePaulista, Higienópolis e Conscolação – subway Paulista e Consolação (yellow and green line) Home Perdizes – subway Barra Funda Home Pinheiros – subway Pinheiros e Faria Lima (yellow line)
  • Will I have to do any household chores?
    The houses have some levels of care, organization and maintenance of cleanliness. For example, taking out the trash or putting away the dishes. There are not many tasks, but all residents must commit to collective care.
  • When should I pay the monthly fee?
    You pay the monthly payment in the following 30 days. It doesn't necessarily have to be at the beginning of the month. If you close the contract on the 15th, that will be your expiration date.
  • Are the rooms furnished?
    The rooms have a double or single bed, wardrobe and desk.
  • Do I have to pay a deposit?
    Yes. At the time of hiring you will pay the equivalent of 1 monthly payment as a deposit. 50% of this amount is retained as an administrative fee and 50% is returned to you at the end of the contract.
  • What will I have to pay when hiring?
    When signing up, you will pay the amount corresponding to the month in which you will live and the security deposit, therefore, it will be the amount corresponding to two monthly payments.
  • Can I receive visitors?
    Visits are permitted. When you take a visitor to the house, you must inform the group of residents of the name of the person who will be with you and how long they will remain in the house. If you are receiving someone who will need to sleep in your room for more than one night, you must notify management so that we can pass on the costs of your guest's water and electricity consumption.
  • Why doesn't the cleaning lady clean the residents' rooms?
    Visits are permitted. When you take a visitor to the house, you must inform the group of residents of the name of the person who will be with you and how long they will remain in the house. If you are receiving someone who will need to sleep in your room for more than one night, you must notify management so that we can pass on the costs of your guest's water and electricity consumption.
  • Do you accept pets?
    The only house that accepts animals is Vila Mariana. But we have some specific conditions. We only accept docile animals that are trained to pee and poop in the correct place and that do not damage furniture or objects in the house or other residents. Animals must be vaccinated, dewormed, and up to date with flea treatments. The house is not screened and it is not possible to screen, the cats are free. Dogs cannot be loose in common areas without supervision. If the owner needs to be away from the house, the dog must remain in the room (it must be an animal capable of being alone without crying or barking).
  • How is the contract terminated?
    When you want to move from Colmeia, you need to notify management at least 30 days in advance. This is enough time for us to find a new resident to fill your vacancy.
  • What is the address of the houses?
    Saúde – Rua Afonso Mariano Fagundes, 708 Vila Mariana – Praça Hélio Walcacer, 55. Paulista – Rua Novo Horizonte, 173. Higienópolis – Rua Itápolis, 1325. Consolação – Rua Itápolis, 1167. Perdizes – Rua Lacerda de Almeida, 80. Pinheiros – Rua Professor Carlos Reis, 125.
  • Do you have a trial period?
    The trial period is 3 months, during which you will be able to see if Colmeia meets your needs and expectations and we will see if you are the resident profile we would like to keep in the house. After 3 months, the contract continues for an indefinite period.
  • What is included in the monthly fee?
    The monthly fee includes expenses for water, electricity, basic internet, gas, maintenance and cleaning of common areas.
  • How do you select house residents?
    To ensure safety and good coexistence in the houses, we carry out a strict selection of residents. To proceed with the hiring, it is necessary to fill out a registration form where we will ask several questions to better understand the resident's profile and then an interview will take place.
  • Do you have a parking space?
    Some houses have parking spaces, but they are limited. For use there is an extra fee. Check the fee amount and availability of places with management.
  • What is the minimum hiring time?
    The minimum time is 3 months.
  • What is the profile of the residents?
    The majority of our residents are between 20 and 35 years old. But we also love welcoming more experienced residents! Many residents are from other cities or states who come to São Paulo for work and/or study reasons and as they don't know people here, they choose to live in Coliving for the facilities and to make friends more easily. We also welcome some foreigners, mainly French people who are on university exchanges.
  • Can I share a room with a friend or boyfriend?
    Yes, as long as the size of the room accommodates two people. In addition, there is a 25% increase in the monthly fee for the additional resident.
  • Can I take my furniture or change the room decor?
    Yes, you can take your furniture and change the decoration to your expectations, as long as it does not cause damage to the Hive furniture or the structure of the room.
  • Why don't you do contracts for less than 3 months?
    Colmeia's proposal is to provide the experience of a home, where people get to know each other, make friends and spend time together regularly. If the length of stay is too short, this feeling of familiarity is lost, leaving the house with a hostel profile, which is not the profile of our business.

Testimonials from those who have lived in Colmeia!

Thank you for your kindness and willingness to help. I spent a large part of my experience in São Paulo at Colmeia. I will definitely miss it a lot.


Geovane - Resident of Colmeia Perdizes for 2 years

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